Our premium offerings


At Weng’s Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic in San Diego, CA, every service is designed to guide you towards a state of optimal well-being. From time-tested traditional practices to modern therapeutic interventions, our treatments encapsulate a wide spectrum to cater to diverse needs.

our commitment

Committed to treating chronic pain and illnesses

At Weng’s Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic in San Diego, CA, we recognize that every individual arrives with their unique health narrative, challenges, and aspirations. Our practice stands as a testament to diversity in holistic care, offering a broad spectrum of services tailored to address an array of conditions. Whether you’re battling chronic pain, grappling with persistent illnesses, or simply seeking balance and rejuvenation, our treatments are crafted to cater to your specific needs. Our commitment to the San Diego area is unwavering: to provide therapeutic interventions that not only alleviate symptoms but delve deep to treat the root causes.

WHy Choose us

Why Weng’s Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic for the people of San diego, california?

Our approach to providing relief

How We Guide You from Discomfort to Thriving Health


Open Dialogue

Begin with understanding: we discuss your medical history, symptoms, and discomfort areas, crafting a comprehensive health view.


Tailored Action Plan

Post-understanding, we design a holistic action plan, integrating traditional and modern techniques to target root causes.


Experience Relief

As you undergo our treatments, you will begin to feel diminished pain, and embrace a life of increased vitality and joy.

what we offer

our natural treatment options

At Weng’s Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic in San Diego, CA, every service
is designed to guide you towards a state of optimal well-being.

Cosmetic acupuncture
Herbal medicine
TUi Na Traditional Chinese Massage
Microcurrent therapy
Nutritional guidance
get started now

step Into a Healthier Tomorrow

Embarking on a wellness journey can be the turning point you’ve been waiting for. At Weng’s Acupuncture & Herbs Clinic in San Diego, we’re committed to guiding you towards a life filled with vitality, balance, and freedom from pain. Don’t wait for tomorrow; take the first step today and embrace the transformation.